I’m a regular player and performer of a variety of tabletop Role Playing Games such as Dungeons and Dragons. As well as my own show, RPGeeks, I’ve guested on some of the top ttrpg streams and podcasts from the UK and around the world – including Oxventure, 3 Black Halflings, Realms of Peril & Glory, Girls Run These Worlds, Queen’s Court Games, Rusty Quill and more!

RPGeeks: Dungeons & Dragons & Science

The RPGeeks are four professional science communicators and mega nerds. Check out our YouTube channel for science-themed one-shots and scifi campaigns! We stream every Monday with a mix of actual play and science chats.

Here’s one of our top moments from TikTok:

And we often geek out about random science:

As Gamesmith

And if you want a taste of my GMing, check out this science fiction mystery adventure one-shot using a system of my own design…


It’s not actual-play but I was recently invited as a guest onto comedy music podcast DingFloob so of course I took the opportunity to talk about DnD…

Previous guest appearances

Bringing my nerdiest librarian vibes to a Dungeons & Leopards comedy one-shot was an absolute delight, culminating in this puntastic master plan…

Rusty Quill’s annual ‘Gaming & Giving’ is a spectacular event for some great causes, and was very excited to bring my big tough space marine Sargeant Sargent out to play with Lowri, Imogen and the incredible Grant Howitt running his Space Marines one-shot.

I had some amazing festive fun on the Vicky’s World Wintersmeet Special, playing a snow-themed fairy sorcerer with a terrible tendency to get overexcited and explode in a cloud of wild magic!

For more festivities, look no further than this Christmassy (Sorry, ‘Wintermassy’) ones-shot with Dungeons & Leopards as part of Rusty Quill’s Gaming & Giving event 2020. Here‘s a fun moment where Gloria Frontingsham-Clogg eats ALL the magical cookies at once and gets high on Wintermas-love.

Queerz! is a super sentai ttrpg that I got to try out along with The Neon Caster, saving our community from ignorance!

I was lucky enough to guest in ongoing DnD podcast ‘Flintlocks and Fireballs’ where I played kidnapped scientist Elin for two episodes (try around 1:59:09 for some Sending shenanigans).

I joined the Dungeon Manager team for two episodes playing alarmed artificer Effy!